Jacob’s Stone Pillow, 2022, 60 x 48, Oil on canvas


In the fragmented post modern cultural society, my art works are based upon the process of personal experience and faith. My mark and shape-making in art are attached to my memory of the past, the action of the present, and the new vision of the future. Therefore, the abstract and symbolic matter of dots, lines, and shapes on paper or canvas made with a brush and/or a painting knife reflect the real action of my Korean-American life. Aesthetically, my art works are influenced by Christianity and Korean folk art, plus the fragmentation of post modern cultural society.

In choosing color, I selected basically yellow, red, blue plus black and  white: yellow means light, air, or grace; red means blood, sin, clean, confession, action, or earthly life; blue means sky, hope, or vision; and, black and white symbolized the invisible or visible realm and distance to me. Also, symbolically my abstraction of dots represent the individual seed as a living thing, the lines describe the new growth and structure of living life, and the shapes are the presentation of the expansion of our natural and cultural world in Christ.