Watershed Moments, Oil on panel, 10 x 10 in


Delicacy: a fineness or intricacy of texture or structure

 I find this definition to perfectly describe the work.  Not only are the small pieces filled with extreme detail, but also, the physical structure of the paintings, thinned paint, applied in thin layers makes for a very fragile surface.  This, combined with the need to “handle” the pieces on the easel produces “high anxiety” in the studio.  This exhibition is the result.

 As with my previous work, these paintings are produced through stream of conscienceless and not a specific idea that begins the work.  I let the process tell me where to take the piece and then it tells me who or what should be included.  I enjoy the surprise when my instincts lead me, especially when I don’t know where I’m going.

 The five colorful pieces are a continuation of my normal way of working…sky, ground, flora and fauna.  During the work I found that creating space, playing with perceived depth, light and dark were really what I was finding to be the most interesting part of the process.  This lead me to eliminate the “ground” and play exclusively with space.  Although there is still “gravity” the creatures exist in space. I chose to keep Night Visions: Keeper of the Key and The Intruder in grayscale, and experiment with light and dark keeping color for reserved for specific areas that still correspond to the entire body of work.